Meet Rona Maynard

From Sad To Glad: Seven Ways To Find Joy 

When Rona was a young working mother who couldn't stand being herself for one more day, she finally sought help for the depression that had plagued her since childhood. Therapy saved her life, but it was up to Rona to make a life worth living. She would have to let go of self-defeating mental habits and cultivate new ones. Join Rona as she shares the strategies that brought her joy both personally and professionally.

You’ll learn ...

Why self-care doesn't mean selfish
How to say no to unreasonable demands
When to say, “This is not my problem”
How to stay focused when everyone wants a piece of you
The rut-busting power of daydreaming
The sure-fire antidote to non-constructive criticism
A simple bedtime ritual that proves there is joy in every day

Your energy and creativity are like clean water and old-growth forests: they need protection or they’ll run out. Joyful people practice emotional sustainability. In this inspiring, laugh-filled speech,

March 10, 2015 ... Rona will show you how.